Today, we worked more on our Early Missouri paper and read a little in the Missouri books. Then we worked on our Famous Missourians and most of us were researching on IPads. Later in the day, we worked on P.M.D.A.S in math. Then we made our own Surveys. After Surveys we had Treasure Time. As soon as Treasure Time was over, we    helped clean up the classroom a little.                                                  
Today, after specials we did an experiment using different types of soap to see which one will float in water. Then after lunch we learned about what other country's use for measurement, and how to use it rather than how we measure. After that we had treasure time. When treasure time was over we did a measuring paper and some of us worked in math books. Then we read more about early Missourians and Indians.
                                                                                          Alyssa Reeves
Today we had double day, P.E and music so after specials we did science. For science we talked about scientist and what they do and we worked on an experiment with soaps and water. Between recess and lunch we worked on our experiment papers some more. After lunch we did some measuring then went to Treasure Time. Then, after treasure time, we read, did our helper jobs, or work on late work if we owe some.           

                                                                           Alyssa Reeves