Today we  was a great day.In reading we talked about non-fiction books and did a paper with groups about the book Animal Champions.We had music today and singed we also had our second spelling test.For math we did multiplication birds and then colored them.

by Gracie
Today we had p.e. and art.In art we did blind contour line drawings.In social studies we learned about all the important places of Missouri.Places like Jefferson City and St.Louis.We also drew the Missouri map and we wrote the capital.In math we took a test to see what we know.We also took a pre-test to see if we know any of the stuff that we were going to learn about.Before we took the test we listen to multiplication rap.In spelling we played sparkle.

By Ashley
today our class did a few special things. we went to the library and we checked out 2 books. After that we did spelling.So next we went to our math classes and did a few things there.A really cool thing we did was create maps it was really fun.after that we went to a assembly. thats all I can say today.bye!
Today in class we learned lot's of new things. In the morning we did cursive practice,
and in the afternoon we learned how to buzz. We did some buzzing ourself's too. 
 Miss. Hemeyer read us a book too, it was called "A Hinky Pinky." We did some really fun riddles, and some of us even solved them! Then later in the day,
we made our sketch of our own pirate map island. We drew an island and named it 
ourselves. We had a compass rose and legends. Overall today in class we had a fun and educational day!
Today we did some math . We also read for a while . Today was a pretty fun day because we to switch classes for math.   Then in reading we compared fiction and nonfiction.
