Today was grandparents day we also had p.e. we ran for two min. then we played kick ball. Two of the grandparents stayed till after lunch. Today was also FRY-DAY we played on the iPads and played some different games. In science we passed around rocks.BY :gracie
Today we had music.Then we went to an assembly and the high school did a play for us.Next we did reading and some of us wrote letters.Then we went to recess.In spelling we are learning about root words.Then we had lunch and after that we did math.In math we are learning about five digit subtraction.In treasure time we sometimes do book club but most of the time we do science.Next we have recess then we do planners and we go home.
today our class went to art class.Then we did reading workshop while a few people fixed our smart board!Then we did writers workshop.Next we went to ressess it was great.Then we practiced root words yay.    by briauna
In the morning we did some math worksheet then a little later in the day we
did reading, some people did their letter on their book, and writing workshop. In the afternoon we did a paper about 
grammer together. Later we did book club, we read one chapter of the book. Then we finished our I pad work sheet 
with the I pads.
On Monday we learned a lot  in science we learned about the four layers in the Earth. For math like always it's awesome for math we did a lot  of subtraction. After that a few minutes later it was treasure time for treasure time we did a little bit of reading because the teacher needed to do something important called progress monitoring so we read  for a while . When treasure time was over we used iPads for science because we needed to use them for a piece of paper to fill it out about rocks we had to read something about the rocks then that's when we fill the out the papers.MONDAY was AWESOME.      

By Diana                                                                   
Today we did some math problems for morning work and we went
over it later in the day. We did some testing in the computer lab 
and we read in there for a little. We also did alphabetical order work 
and  we looked in some scholastic news magazine. 

Today in social studies we did a review on the Missouri map and state capital for the test we are going to take tomorrow.In reading we are doing writing on what we have been  reading.In class we are doing a thing called bingo.If we get a bingo we get stuff like playing on the i pads or a pajama party.In math we are working on properties like the identity property.We will take our spelling test tomorrow.In treasure time we wrote a letter to a friend.For specials we had music.

by Ashley
today our class went to library.We also did a share time were we share our favorite thing based on what we like.It was fun.We are now done doing posters for different communitiesBye for now!
Today in class Miss Hemeyer read us a book called "Why Are You So Grumpy."
We wrote down 5 things about the book that we noticed ,can relate to, wonder, 
think or feel. We did our Watermelon and three seeds writing. We tried to put as 
much detail as possible. Later in the day we did a spelling pre-test and we wrote 
the answers to our flash cards we got.  ~Alyssa  
Today we  was a great day.In reading we talked about non-fiction books and did a paper with groups about the book Animal Champions.We had music today and singed we also had our second spelling test.For math we did multiplication birds and then colored them.

by Gracie