Write your story here as a blog comment. 
10/19/2012 05:26:43 am

The liver life by Briauna Gibson once there was a rock star.Her name is Amanda.But her fear wasn't any fear it wasn't any fear it was food!

10/25/2012 05:20:37 am

Your probaly wondering why she would be scared of food,well whenever she ate something it would taste like liver!She hated liver.She didn't want to tell anyone because thet would laugh, so she sings about it.Thats why she's a rock star!She wrote the song for the first time.Now here's a message:she is from livevania , a place where everyone likes liver.she used to but then she got tired of the taste .So the doctor said" maybe you can have a day without any food maybe that will help.She agreed.She also decided to create a song about it,so she sang the song and people loved it.The next morning her tummy was grumbling like crazy!So she went to the doctors office and got her tounge fixed it fealt numb for a while,but then it was better.She tried some food.She didn't know what it was because of all the liver taste.So she tried liver and she didn't know it was liver so she went to the doctors office shoved it in the doctors face and said"You did it wrong all wrong.I tried this and it tastes the same"Then,the doctor laughed and said"that is liver"Amanda said"oh"she went back to her house and tried cake.She blinked and started running around the house yelling"it worked"at the top of her lungs!She was finally cured.Now she could start the liver free life as a rock star!

The Liver Incident!
10/19/2012 05:28:06 am

Once upon a time there was a Rock Star named RE.Everything that RE ate tasted like liver.So one night he went to the dentist to see what was wrong.

10/24/2012 05:52:26 am

The dentist said that there was liver stuck between his teeth.It was very weird because they couldn't get it out.
Then one night there was a concert and RE was terrified that people would make fun of him because he could not sing with liver in his teeth.RE asked his drumer if he could wiggle his drumstick between his teeth.So he did.Thankfuly, the liver came out.
So RE was fine and the concert went well....................THE END!

10/24/2012 05:58:26 am


10/24/2012 05:58:54 am


10/25/2012 05:44:30 am

Aswome job!!!!

10/25/2012 05:53:32 am

Sweet job

10/29/2012 02:27:26 am


10/23/2012 05:53:38 am

10/23/2012 05:59:09 am

One day there was a football player named Bleek. He was the best football player ever. But one dahb

10/24/2012 05:48:09 am

I like your story

10/24/2012 05:52:27 am

Good job

Josh Wimberley
10/23/2012 06:01:33 am

The Worst teeth Ever Once there was a painter who didnot like color and his name is Joshbob.When peopl saw a color his teeth would change color.They took Joshbob to the Docdor and he cock a peley

10/24/2012 05:39:40 am

Dr.Sweet Tooth by:gracie
"I want truffles," said Dr.Sweettooth Dr.Sweettooth just loves Christmas truffles. Dr.Sweettooth also has one leg and a cell phone as one of his hands.Dr.Sweettooth loves Christmas truffles so much that he lost all his teeth at the age of two hundred years old. He's now three hundred years old but he still looks seventy and he can run really fast.He's also about super strong.Now,I know what your thinking. I thought the same thing no

10/24/2012 05:49:45 am

I like the name mr. Tuffles

10/25/2012 05:52:16 am

I mean ok back to the story Now,I know what your thinking. I thought the same thing,but Dr.Sweettooth isn't a super human. He's a normal human being just like you and me.
"Oh No!!'' Dr.Sweettooth screamed with horror ,''I've forgot how to use my hand a.k.a. my cell phone,'' which was a purple Blackberry.
Dr.Sweettooth is really shy so he can't just walk out of his house. He would scream so loud people in China would hear him.
His friend Captin Swiss Roll, who was made out of a Swiss Roll,came over. People could only make appointment by phone so Dr.Sweettooth had ALOT of voicemails
Dr.Sweettooth's phone was freezing. Captin Swiss Roll got Dr.Sweettooth a new phone for free. Captin Swiss Roll also rethought Dr.Sweettooth how to use his phone.
Oh No the candy land giant has a huge cavity and he's destroying all of candy land! No one can help. So Dr.Swettooth has to fix it and he comes and saves the world. He also learns to be his self and don't be shy now everyone knows who he is.

10/24/2012 05:45:34 am

once upon a time there was a rock star named dennise.He love to play with his baby. Blanket.He wouldn't let his mom wash it .IF his mom took it away trust e he will never go to sleep without it.in the bathtub he would sing row row row your boat gently down the street.dennise would go to school with his baby blanket and then he would hangout with the other dudes that had a baby blankets. Then dennise lived a happily life that's not all the other dudes lived a happy life to.

10/24/2012 05:56:05 am

Grat JOB

10/24/2012 05:51:30 am

Rose got a new cell phone she was she went to the teachers' hose but she was not there "ho no"said rose she went to Kira's hose she was not there she went to the bus dhvers home."Hi,I was just on my way to the big birthday. What do you mean Kira's b-day? Can I come? Thay went to the birthday and had so much fun.

Jaden Inman
10/24/2012 06:01:06 am

Hello my name is Butter.I am a comboy.I am going to tell you my story.One day me and my friends Stan,Kyle,Kenny,cartmen were waching t.v. Then I flew upside down .I only could walk upside down.but then I thought of something.I won't be able to feed my horses.the bad thing is I'm afraid of them.I called kenny he said,"Iwill

10/25/2012 05:24:17 am

"Time together to Felix's house", said Stephano. Stephano is a cowboy and he is afraid of horses. He helps his cousins farm on Thursdays. He said goodbye to his dog, Coco and he was on his way.
When he got there he went towards the farm. Suddenly, he grew two inches taller. His cousin didn't notice.
" Hey Stephano" said Felix. Then Stephano grew another foot! Felix didn't say anything. Then another cow boy let out the horses by mistake.
Stephano got scared and grew another three feet! The horses scare him so Stephano tried to run away but he ran into the barn.
He smashes the barn to the ground. Luckily, there was no one in there.
Felix saw Stephano fall and he was mad. " You have to pay for this" said Felix. Stephano dug in his pocket for change but he only found three gummy bears, five Reese's pieces, and one oatmeal cookie.
" You have to get the money somehow" said Felix. Stephano was sad. He couldn't fit in his car because he was to tall.
When Stephano got home he ducked in his open garage. His dog Coco was in there. Coco picked up a paper. Stephano looked at it, it was a picture of Stephano when he was a kid help build a house. Stephano forgot about that. Stephano was happy. He ran to Felix's house and started building the barn.
Everyday he would come and build a little. By October it was almost done because he just had to paint it and it was done. It took three weeks to get the barn done and painted it red and white. Stephano went home. He didn't have to pay anymore. He went home and played with Coco and suddenly shrunk. "yay" said Stephano. "Bark" said Coco.

10/25/2012 05:54:49 am


Ashley M.
10/25/2012 05:30:30 am

Steve The Person!

Once upon a time there was a football player who loved to sew.His name was Steve.Steve walks to North High every morning.Steve is relly good at football but his hiccups always found a way to mess him up.For instance: one time he had the ball and he was about to make a touch Down when he felt something coming up his throat.He thought it was nothing So he tried to throw the ball.His hiccups came and he made a relly loud burping sound.That's not all.
Next something horrible happened.He tripped on his shoes and lost the ball right in front of the touch down line.He went home and got out his old sewing machine.He looked at it and thought, "what would my mom think?,"what would my friends think?".
Then he remembered I first grade when he brought his sewing machine to school and every body laughed at him.That made him cry which made the class laugh even harder.After that he put it away and never used it again.That's when he started hiccuping.When he got home, his head started to hurt so he stoped thinking and ate dinner.Then Steve went to bed.The next morning he woke up and screamed but not a football player scream, an old lady scream.He wrapped himself in a blanket and told his mom that he was staying home because he didn't feel good.The only reason she let him stay home is because he was hiccuping and tripping like crazy.
After his mom left for work he tried fixing himself by doing things like eating his favorite food, wearing his favorite cloths, and even playing football.He decided that since he was acting like an old lady, that he could sew without anybody laughing at him.He got out his old sewing machine and started to sew.The more he sewed the more he changed back.Soon he was himself again.
He started sewing everyday no mater if his friends laughed at him or not.He would just be himself.After a long time he stoped hiccuping and found a guy just like him.

10/25/2012 05:55:42 am

Swweeett yo@;)

10/25/2012 08:29:51 am

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee IT

The Fastest Growing Librarian- by : Diana
10/25/2012 05:36:55 am

"I love tv, why would I want to stop watching tv?"said Mrs.Macey. "Are you crazy?"said Mrs.Macey. "But you need to stop watching tv Mr.Macey said." "NO NO NO!" " I will NEVER EVER stop watching tv." Mrs.Macey's husband said,"But look how tall you are if you grow much more taller than six feet something even worse could happen?" "Do you know what could happen?""What?"asked Mrs.Macey. "Well," said her husband,"you could crush this whole house."

10/25/2012 08:25:47 am


Kira Brittingham
10/30/2012 11:52:50 pm

Mr.bob has diabetes.
Mr.bob only likes fast food and he made him self chubby.He might have diabetes .He doesn't, like to eat food slow at all. He eats slow food now. Now he knows why he has diabetes. One morning his sister came over and siad"okay".He knows how to walk up side down because he has

1/14/2013 04:46:53 am


Mrs.Coopers Class
2/1/2013 01:46:48 am

Those stories rock.

5/22/2013 11:05:28 am

thank you miss coopers class

5/22/2013 11:06:24 am

thank you miss coppers class and to you kelsey


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