January 10, 2013

Dear Smart Student,
Hello. I start school soon and I just moved here and I do not know anyone. I am worried that I won’t make any friends. I am shy and I don’t really talk to people. Can you help?

New to Town,


1/14/2013 04:49:03 am

Dont be shy just be strong

Smart student
1/14/2013 04:53:51 am

Dear Nate,

Don't be shy and just talk to then I'm sure they'll
be your friend.If they say no that's their loss.

Smart student
1/14/2013 04:55:14 am

Go find someone to play with and ask to be her friend and then you have a friend

Smart student
1/14/2013 04:57:31 am

Dear Nate,

If you really want to make friends talk to someone and ask them to play with you at recess they probably will be your friend.

Sincerely smart student


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