January 10, 2013

Dear Smart Student,
What’s up? I want to be friends with this boy but he said that I am smelly and he said that if he was friends with me he would start to smell too. I know that I don’t smell because my mom makes me take a shower every morning before school! I want to be his friend but waiting for him to be nice to me really stinks!
Clean Chris

1/14/2013 04:45:48 am

You should tell an adult or teacher and see what they can do

Smart student
1/14/2013 04:50:39 am

Or just put a stick of deoderent

Smart student
1/14/2013 04:49:18 am

GO think you should hang out with one of his friends and then see what he thinks because if one of his friends doesn't think you stiink then u don't stink

1/14/2013 04:54:20 am

Dear Clean Chris, January 14, 2013
Hey. I think I can help you. So you shower every morning so you don't smell if he says you do he is just kidding so say no I don't how do I smell. Eventually he will see you really want to be his friend. Sincerely
Smart student.

1/30/2013 08:58:41 am

i think so to

1/14/2013 04:56:02 am

Pick a stick of deodorant and drink a big cup of get over it

Ms Hemeyer
1/17/2013 03:41:46 pm

This is not an appropriate response

7/31/2013 01:25:19 am

hi Ms Hemeyer

1/14/2013 05:00:31 am

Dear clean Chris
Hello, I know what you should do.You should tell them they are hurting your feelings so they will know that they are being mean. And they are probally just playing with you. Ask them "do you have a problem in your life"

smart student
1/30/2013 08:56:58 am

Dear clean
Hi i think that you should go and find a friend who likes you as you and i think that you should tell him that you do not care that they should be friends and tell him that you have more friends and you should tell the teacher that he said that to you and that you do not smell

12/21/2013 12:16:52 am

Post a another letter I miss u


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